What Is The Real Trick To Aging Gracefully?
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We all want to be young forever. Being young means being healthy (most of the time), looking beautiful, being fit and so on. Everyone is talking about aging and it seems like no one has the real answer about it. When you take a look at the celebrities and all those people that have a lot of money to do whatever is in the science’s power to keep them young, you may feel disappointed, because they still age. If you are disappointed and worried about aging then keep reading because the real answer may be totally opposite as you would expect!
There is a woman that is almost 70 years old. She told a true story about aging. She has spent all of her life trying to find a cure not to age early. Of course, nothing worked as she has expected, because nature has its own ways and rules. The studies have shown what this awesome grandmother wanted to share with everyone after the experiment has ended.
Being 70 years old means that you will get wrinkles, your body will hurt, you wouldn’t be able to run and so on. No one wants that. She spent a lot of years visiting different kinds of doctors to help her stay in shape and young. Of course, it didn’t happen, she just got some medications and that was the end of the story with the doctors.
What this woman founded out with the scientists is that you should just ignore aging. Really? Yes, it is hard to believe something like that but once you stop worrying the things that happen to your body, you will become happier. Have you heard of cortisol? That is the hormone of stress that makes your body to age. So, if you are visiting too many doctors each week and stressing too much, how could you expect your cortisol levels to be normal? Of course that you cannot.
So, what should you do? Enjoy your life. Have gratitude for every single moment of it. You cannot stop aging, but you can be happy about every single day. Watch the sunrise. Enjoy your morning coffee. Spend time with friends.
If you didn’t know, many studies have shown how gratitude slows down your heart rate. The conclusion would be that you would live longer, right? Yes, that is the correct conclusion. Besides that, all those people who spend most of their time with their beloved ones age slower.
I hope you have learned a great lesson from this lady. Enjoy your life and appreciate every single moment of it!
For as long as it persist, we should accept aging as any normal process and go through it as nature intends.
What should matter is being healthy. I know of a lot of cases where people look exceptionally young but they don’t take care of themselves. Sooner or later it will reach and ruin them.
This is what I’ve been telling a lot of people! Just enjoy yourself as you are and focus on your own happiness instead of focusing on an image for others.
I do all of this well and I am the youngest looking person in my group of friends.
I agree…try to live your life stress-free, and just enjoy it! Who CARES if you have a few wrinkles. Eat the chocolate, drink the wine bc nobody lives forever.