How to know if you have found your soulmate?

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Since the beginning of time, people have dreamed about the idea of soulmates. Is that just a myth or is there a bit of a truth in finding one special person you’re destined to be with? With more than 7 billion people living on our planet, it may seem unlikely. We all have preferences when it comes to people we spend time with– some people love creative and artistic partners, while others like people who are great in business, for example. But none of these surface-level details will really help you determine whether or not you’ve found “the one.” Here are some ways of knowing if the one you’re with is truly that person.

Being at peace. If you feel very comfortable with your partner, and if he or she doesn’t make you anxious, then your partner may be your soul mate. Can you be silent together, not talk, and not have it be awkward? If neither of you is rushing to fill the silence with mundane chat, it might be a soul connection.

”Being on your side”. If your beloved one pushes you to grow and encourages you to follow your dreams, we have a great news for you! That is the person you should keep by your side forever. Sometimes it might feel uncomfortable to be pushed, but you never get the feeling that person has an ulterior motive. 

That feeling of “knowing”. Your 6th sense is somehow telling you that you have met the person of your life. Some believe it can be felt, literally. You know how it sounds and feels. It’s like the happily-ever-after that fairy tales talk about.

Their worst. Or your worst. You have seen your partner at their worst, and vice versa. Are you okay with that? How about your partner? This is a very important experience. If you’ve seen one another’s worst, and you’re still on each other’s side (see above), then the connection is deep.

Taking care of each other. Does your partner always pick up your favorite treat at the grocery store? How about clean out your car because he or she knows how much you hate doing it? Little acts of kindness, done without being asked (and with no expectation of return) are a good sign that you’re meant to be together.

The lesson. Have you ever felt how someone is somehow ”sent” to your life to teach you some lesson of great value? Well, it may happen if you find your soulmate.

Overall, if you recognize your partner in several of the above, then you may have met your soulmate. Be sure that you keep that person by your side!

7 thoughts on “How to know if you have found your soulmate?

  • August 7, 2018 at 5:35 am

    With how horrible people are in relationship nowadays? Definitely not!

  • June 26, 2018 at 6:02 pm

    I mean…I want to believe there’s soulmates. I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life.

  • June 1, 2018 at 6:58 pm

    ‘Soul-mate’ is just something creating by the system to make us believe we can stay in a marriage that benefits the higher ups. No one is really meant for you so solely.

  • June 1, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    I think everyone we interact with is sent to teach us a lesson, be it tolerance, love, peace, or how to fight for what you believe in. xoxo

  • May 30, 2018 at 4:22 pm

    my love language is time spent and my hubby’s is physical touch but some of these reflect us…so even tho we don’t always use the same “language” we are always on the same page!!!

  • May 28, 2018 at 11:50 pm

    i can’t believe people believe in this crap…it’s all about finding someone who doesn’t drive you crazy and that’s it!!!!!

  • May 28, 2018 at 11:59 am

    It’s nice to dream and think of this even though it’s bluntly wrong.


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