Six Ways Proper Helps You Get Quality Sleep

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Editor’s Note: Proper is offering our readers a free 30-minute sleep consultation with a sleep coach. Click here to get started.

If you have trouble sleeping well, you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three Americans struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep. And if you’re like me, you’ve probably found that many folk remedies don’t do the trick, and many over-the-counter sleep products just make you more tired the next day. Enter Proper, a sleep solution with none of these problems – here’s how it’ll have you catching Zs.

1. Proper is clinically backed

Everything Proper makes is backed by firm science. That’s why my Core Sleep supplements do such a good job of giving me high-quality sleep – they use Venetron®, which clinical trials have correlated with faster sleep onset.

2. Proper is formulated by experts

Proper’s clinically-backed ingredients are chosen by PhDs and medical professionals with extensive expertise in nutritional biochemistry and sleep science. These are exactly the kinds of people I would trust with my sleep – no wonder Proper has me sleeping sound!

3. Proper is made from natural ingredients

Proper is made from the best herbs and compounds nature has to offer that are widely used to help with sleep. These powerful extracts such as valerian root and ashwagandha help me fall asleep faster without side effects.

proper sleep

4. Proper isn’t a drug

Proper isn’t something a biotechnology company devised in a lab setting. In fact, it’s not a drug at all – it’s just a smart formulation of scientifically sound natural substances. That means no potential for dependency and can be safely taken as part of a long-term sleep wellness routine.

5. Proper has seven options

Proper knows that no two people sleep exactly the same – Core Sleep might work well for me, but maybe something else works better for you. That’s why Proper has seven formulations geared toward different personal health goals, and you can try them all with the Discovery Trial Pack. Each formulation is sugar-free and vegan, too. Finding your way toward rest has never been easier!

6. Proper has sleep coaches

Aside from scientists, there’s a whole team of sleep coaches, board-certified in Health & Wellness, behind Proper. When you subscribe to Proper, you’re paired with a sleep coach for a free 30-minute session to build your own Sleep Action Plan to improve your sleep habits.  For me, that made a huge difference and helped me adjust my bedtime routine to optimize sleep. If you’re looking for similar sleep improvements, visit Proper’s website now to get started!

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