Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lives up to ‘Notorious RBG’ Nickname

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Even in a hospital, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still living up to her nickname. On December 21, she voted against President Donald Trump’s proposed immigrant asylum restrictions from the hospital where she was getting cancer surgery.


NBC reported that Ginsburg voted right there from her bed. Not only that, but she was also the decisive vote in this 5-4 decision against the Trump administration right after her surgery. This surgery was done to remove two cancerous nodules from her lungs. What’s most important here though, is that this ruling blocks the President’s administration from putting in place new rules regarding asylum-seekers. The rules that were proposed by the Trump administration would prohibit those looking for asylum if they were to cross the border illegally.


How the cancerous nodes were found was a miracle in of itself as well. The growths were found when Ginsburg was put through some medical tests after fracturing some ribs when she fell in her Supreme Court office, last month.


The doctors at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York performed the operations and found after the operation that there weren’t any traces of the disease left. There were also no other signs of cancerous growths anywhere else. As a result, they’re not planning on doing any other treatment. She did stay in the hospital for a few days after the operation, though.


Ginsburg is the court’s oldest justice at 85 years old. She has served the Supreme Court for a good 25 years by this point. Her overall personality has made her into something like a folk hero. She’s seen as an icon for liberals and is one of the favorites on Saturday Night Live.


As a result of that, she has affectionately been dubbed “Notorious RBG” which is a play on her name but also an homage to both the rapper named Notorious BIG, as well as her own sheer strength.


She is dedicated to her job and continues to show dedication to her work, not even cancer can stop her.

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