Simple Hotel Hacks That Dramatically Improve Your Stay
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Vacations are these rare occasions for many American workers, but what’s even rarer is the opportunity of going to a decent hotel. Often times the good spots are all taken up and you have to settle with rooms that lack some of the many comforts of home. But don’t worry too much any longer. Below we share some hacks that turn your hotel room into a piece of your home. These hacks may even help you save money too!
First hack is the DIY Humidifier. Of course when you are travelling you probably won’t be able to bring your humidifier along with you. What’s worse is many hotel rooms have such dry air that it can really mess with your sleep and thus your vacation. A quick hack is actually soaking one of the towels in warm water and position it in front of any air conditioner that’s in the room. The AC will then cool the moisture that’s on the towel and then push it into the room.
Another convenient hack is a bit unorthodox but it’s practical. When people are on vacation many find the urge to be eating out all the time. This can get expensive over time as you could spend several hundred dollars in food over a few days from dining out every meal. Instead you can save a lot of money by simply finding the rooms coffee pot and boiling hot water to make filling, cheap, and simple meals like soups, ramen, oatmeal, and more.
If you can see yourself using the second hack, this hack might also be fitting for you too. This hack is having dishes delivered. Many hotels of course have dishes and are happy to bring up clean dishes to you entirely for free. They are literally a call away and saves you from buying disposable cutlery or dishes.
Even on vacation oral hygiene is still important but many people don’t normally bring a case for toothbrushes. Of course every single room is cleaned thoroughly between each guest but it’s never wrong to be cautious. If you’re a massive germaphobe, bring along one clothespin for each toothbrush. All you have to do is clamp it to the bottom half and prop the brush up.
The final hack we have to share is for when you have louder than usual guests. This can disrupt many people and if you’re one of those people this simple hack will help a lot. All that you need to do is grab one of the spare towels (since hotels love giving us half a dozen of them) roll it up, and the press it up against the door to your room so the towel blocks the bottom of the door. The towel serves as an added barrier and blocks out a good chunk of noise coming from outside. The towel also works double duty and blocks any lights from outside or inside as well as smells too.
As you can see these hacks are simple, but they can do a lot for you. Try them out the next time you are out on vacation.