Three Ways To Celebrate International Day of Friendship

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Even though, as a self-sufficient adult, you make your own decisions, pay your own bills, and have your own interests, you know that you’re incomplete without your friends. The friends you keep in your life aren’t just people that you depend on for nights out, entertainment, or distraction. They’re people with whom you’ve formed a bond that transcends interactions with co-workers or maybe even your family. 

These are the people you go to in times of need. They’re the people around whom you can be your full, unabashed self and find your spirits at ease. They’re people you love perhaps just as much as you love your family members. You likely think of and spend time with them often, so International Day of Friendship — which is today — is really just a formalization of something that forms the cornerstone of your life.

That said, if you feel like doing something especially adorable or wholesome to show your friends how much you care about them, any of these three ways to celebrate International Day of Friendship is sure to be equal parts fun, meaningful, and endearing:

1. Work together on a home project

The term “home project” has a pretty loose definition, so let your imagination go wild! If your idea of a home project is cooking or baking together, find a recipe or two to make and enjoy together. If your idea of a home project is inviting friends to collaborate on redecorating your living space, encourage your friends to bring any decorations they think you’d like and work together on deciding where they should go. A team effort towards a low-stakes goal can make for a super fun and purposeful bonding experience!

2. Take a day trip

Gather your closest friends and take a day trip somewhere. You could spend a day at the beach or a state or national park. You could visit a bunch of museums locally or in a nearby city. You could take a long drive to a scenic locale and bring a picnic-style lunch or early dinner. And if you or your friends can’t take off work today (International Day of Friendship isn’t on a weekend this year), put something together for the weekend before or after, or whenever really — it’s the thought, not the date, that counts.

3. Share your friends with the world

If you and your friends’ schedules just aren’t aligning for International Day of Friendship, you can still show them — and everyone else — the love and care you have for them. A social media post honoring your closest friends, especially one complete with pictures of you with them, goes a long way in this day and age! Find the cutest photos you have, think for a while about the fondest memories you can share, spend some time writing something meaningful and wholesome, and don’t be afraid to post it everywhere you can.

How will you celebrate International Day of Friendship? Share your ideas in the comments!

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