Here’s How Personal Capital Puts the Power of Saving in Your Hands
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People who are in their 30s often start thinking seriously about saving and investing, but they don’t always know where to save – or how to do so. And even those who do save successfully don’t always know how to track their financial health. So yes, saving and investing can seem daunting, but with Personal Capital, the power remains in the customer’s hands. Here’s how.
1. Free personal finance tools
Yes, that’s right – Personal Capital’s personal finance tools are 100% free! With these free personal finance tools, users can track their financial health across multiple accounts and platforms. This way, they see a complete view of their net worth and financial health without buying any software or jumping between every investment and banking platform.
2. Tools for net worth, retirement planning, and fee analysis
Personal Capital’s financial tools can do it all. Users can take a deep look at their net worth, develop retirement plans, and track their investment accounts’ hidden fees. That last part is huge: Those fees are typically easy to miss and hard to track amid an investment account’s constant fluctuations. Few other services provide this sort of financial insight.
3. Excellent security measures
Some investors might feel worried about digitally accessing their financial data as cybersecurity breaches become increasingly common. Personal Capital addresses this concern with top-notch encryption and its unique year-round private bug bounty program. This way, investors can rest assured their assets are safe.
4. Blogs loaded with tips
Whenever users visit Personal Capital’s website to log in, they see Personal Capital’s most recent blogs about retirement, investing, and more. This way, they get written guidance as they log in to view their net worth and other key financial metrics. With important financial data and an action plan in hand, reaching one’s investment goals is that much more likely.