Chances of Starting a Relationship in December Are a Lot Higher Than You Think

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We’re halfway through December, and while many people feel like they’ve missed their chance to find a special someone, now is not the time to give up hope. In fact, the chances of starting a relationship during this month is a lot higher than you think.

First of all, it’s cuffing season. This is the season where you are more likely, or even compelled to be, tied down in a serious relationship. While many think it’s only in December (what with the couples ice rinks, and the need to cozy up to someone), cuffing season actually started on October 1.  Better yet, it lasts until Valentine’s Day, February 14. So, as you can see, it’s actually a pretty big window where people are looking for others to be with. Furthermore, the cuffing season came to be thanks to a few particular things. Primarily the colder weather, fewer daylight hours, as well as the holiday season.

The numbers don’t lie. When Elite Daily ran a study of 119 participants between the ages of 18 to 38 they found something remarkable. 60 percent of the people in that survey said they found their SO in cuffing season! And of that 60 percent, 14 percent of them met their partners in December! While that’s a pretty small amount, that’s still pretty significant. Even if you miss December, there are still some decent odds of finding someone in January (15 percent) and the first half of February (8 percent)

What if the relationship is not meant to last? While that’s a pretty good question, of course, a relationship’s success is up to you and your potential partner. But Elite Daily did some more research into that as well. Based on that study, they also figured out that over 50 percent of the participants said that the relationship they had lasted for over a year or is still going strong. So in other words, this relationship can be quite significant and be the real deal for you.

While you are searching for that special someone keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with being single either. Not having a partner over the winter or during cuffing season or holidays can be frustrating, and even lonely. But getting yourself out there and looking for someone is an adventure in of itself, too. And thanks to this study, you may have some great odds of finding someone. Again, remember that the holidays are all about expressing gratitude for everyone in your life. This includes you, too!


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