I Tried Oprah And Ellen’s Favorite Tea And Here’s Why I LOVE IT

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I love making tea, but when I buy tea from the supermarket name brands, I can literally taste that I’m settling for second-best. I get the sense those brands go for quantity over quality, tea that passes but has merely OK flavor and doesn’t do justice to tea’s ever-hyped health effects. Who knows how long that pack of 200 bags has been sitting on the shelf? Is it still potent by the time I take it home? I wanted to explore how tea could elevate my wellness routine, but for that, I needed the best tea possible, not just any old box.

To my surprise, the answer came to me from two of my favorite TV personalities. I heard both Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres vouch for Vahdam Teas, and if they were fans of the brand, I knew there must be something special about them. This tea brand from India is known for using the highest-quality natural ingredients, herbs, and superfoods. Vahdam also formulates its teas to support specific health and wellness goals, like stress relief and weight loss.

Vahdam sources its fresh, hand-picked tea from India’s most respected tea gardens, pays the farmers fair prices for their labor and plants, and processes all its harvests in its own facilities to ensure tight control over the quality of its tea. Vahdam also stores its processed teas in contaminant-free environments, vacuum-seals its products to preserve that precious high quality, and gets its teas to consumers like me without middlemen who inflate the prices. Between Vahdam’s thorough focus on health and its glowing Oprah and Ellen endorsements, I didn’t hesitate to try this tea for myself. 

Vahdam Teas Tumeric Tea Set

I decided to try out Vahdam’s Turmeric Teas Wellness Detox box. I knew that turmeric, the “ancient golden spice,” is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been used for thousands of years in medicine. Vahdam pairs this superfood with other powerful herbs to create aromatic and immune-boosting blends. This box includes four teas which blend turmeric with other superfoods that can help with pain, digestion, brain function, and so many other things. I was especially excited to try the turmeric and ashwagandha blend, since ashwagandha can help with stress. 

My turmeric tea was a risk-free buy, because Vahdam refunds all dissatisfied customers no matter their concerns. That said, the cup of Vahdam’s Turmeric Moringa Herbal Tea Tisane that I brewed right after my box arrived was everything that Vahdam promised: flavorful, aromatic, and fresh. I knew right then that Vahdam would be my go-to tea for breakfast and lunch, and as I began bringing Vahdam Teas to my office, I began sharing them with my co-workers, who all wound up loving them too.

After a few months dumping my grocery store teas for Vahdam, I noticed that I didn’t come down with the sniffles nearly as often as I once did. I also noticed that the tea’s stomach-soothing properties helped after big meals, especially the turmeric and ginger tea that combines these powerful digestion-improving ingredients. I’m thrilled that I’m reaching for the antacids and decongestants less often.

If you too are looking for high-quality, flavorful, health-improving tea made using superfoods and trustworthy processes, head to Vahdam Teas’ website to get an exclusive 15% off your order using code SPRING15

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13 thoughts on “I Tried Oprah And Ellen’s Favorite Tea And Here’s Why I LOVE IT

  • January 25, 2021 at 10:06 pm

    Is it caffeine free?

  • January 22, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    How do you order the latte ?

  • January 17, 2021 at 2:52 pm

    If I am a black tea drinker–Barry’s, PG, etc, what flavor would be best for me?

  • January 11, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    Is there any gluten in the tea?

  • January 7, 2021 at 9:12 am

    Is this tea organic? A lot of tea has great amounts of pesticides.

  • January 3, 2021 at 7:00 pm

    I bought a sampler pack. My husband and I have a cozy cup every night. We still don’t have a favorite; we love them all!

  • January 1, 2021 at 4:24 pm

    I bought the “Turmeric Sampler”. We like every one of them. Helps my aching joints and soothes my scattered mind.😆

  • December 9, 2020 at 1:42 pm

    I would love to find the tea kettle pictured in this article. Can you help?

  • October 20, 2020 at 10:18 am

    I buy this tea all time, someone at work had a container and I tried it. I’ve been hooked since. Best tea I have ever drank. The Christmas Masala Chai in special tin can.

  • June 7, 2020 at 4:05 pm

    I bought 2 wellness booster turmeric and I share absolutely love it

    • July 6, 2020 at 9:50 pm

      Love 💕 it!!!

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