Five Fun Easter Activities You Can Do at Home

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Easter is around the corner, but maybe you don’t want to leave home to celebrate. At the same time, you might wonder how you can have an enjoyable Easter Sunday indoors. If you tap into your creativity, there are no limits on how you can observe Easter without leaving your house. Below, discover five fun Easter activities you can do at home. 

1. Easter egg dyeing

Easter egg dyeing is a classic Easter activity you can do anywhere, anytime. You can dye your eggs using hard-boiled eggs, vinegar, and a dye kit. There are many dye kits available on online stores and marketplaces. If you don’t want to spend money on a dye kit, you can also make a homemade dye with food coloring, vinegar, and water. 

After you’re done making your Easter eggs, you can put them in a DIY Easter basket. You can also use them in an indoor Easter egg hunt.

2. Indoor Easter egg hunt

After you’ve had fun dyeing your Easter eggs, you can host an indoor Easter egg hunt. Forget about hiding Easter eggs outside behind trees and tall grass – instead, you can hide the eggs behind your television, shelves, and other indoor nooks and crannies. However, it’s important to take note of where you will hide your eggs if they are hard-boiled to avoid any possible lingering smells after the hunt.

3. Cook or bake an Easter dish

What is Easter without having a feast? You can cook or bake your favorite Easter dishes after doing some other fun Easter activities, and you can find countless delicious Easter recipes online. 

If you’re in the mood to cook a savory dish, you can try a glazed ham recipe or deviled eggs recipe. If you love baking, you can’t go wrong with Easter bread or sweet buns topped with icing.

4. Easter bunny costume contest

Celebrate Easter at home with your family members or loved ones by having a small Easter bunny costume contest. You can even host the costume contest virtually. 

To make a fun Easter bunny costume, you can use some supplies you might already have at home. These supplies include felt, cotton balls, a tutu, paper, safety pins, headbands, pipe cleaners, and some pom poms. 

Easter bunny costume supplies are affordable if you don’t already have them in your house. However, if you don’t want to make a costume but you still want to dress up, there are many Easter bunny costumes you can find in online stores.

5. Paint some flowers or color them in

One relaxing, creative at-home Easter activity is to paint some flowers. You can use some acrylic paints to paint flowers on a canvas. You can also listen to some music while following a video tutorial on how to paint flowers. If you prefer to color with markers, colored pencils, or crayons, you can use a flower coloring book to color some flowers. When you’re done with your painting or coloring, you can decorate your walls with your Easter art.

What’s your favorite indoor Easter activity? Sound off in the comments!

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