It’s National Emoji Day (Yes, Really). What Are the Most Popular Emojis?

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Emojis have become a constant part of our digital communication. They are used to express emotions, convey messages, and add a little bit of fun to our conversations. In honor of National Emoji Day, here’s a list of the top six most popular emojis based on an Emojipedia analysis of Twitter in 2023.

😂 Face with tears of joy

The face with tears of joy emoji is the most popular emoji in the world and is used in roughly 224 out of every 10,000 tweets this year. This emoji is used to express laughter and joy. It is often used to indicate that something is funny or amusing. The face with tears of joy emoji has become so popular because it is a quick and easy way to express amusement, and is commonly used on its own as a response to jokes or memes.

🤣 Rolling on the floor laughing

The rolling on the floor laughing emoji is the second most popular emoji in the world. It is used in 170 out of every 10,000 tweets. This emoji is used to express extreme laughter and joy, and often as a step up from the more popular laughter emoji. The rolling on the floor laughing emoji is a quick and easy way to express extreme happiness or amusement if you want something aside from the face with tears of joy emoji.

❤️ Red heart

The red heart emoji is the third most popular emoji in the world. It is used in nearly 141 out of every 10,000 tweets in 2023. This emoji is used to express love and affection and is also commonly used as a reaction or comment. The red heart emoji has become so popular because it is a quick and easy way to express love.

🙏 Folded hands

The folded hands emoji is the fourth most popular emoji in the world. It is used in 112 out of every 10,000 tweets. This emoji is used to express prayer and gratitude, and is often used in posts or comments to show how grateful the poster is for their situation. This emoji is also often used to represent pleading.

😭 Loudly crying face

The loudly crying face emoji is the fifth most popular emoji in the world. It is used in 95 of every 10,000 tweets. This emoji is usually the go-to emoji for those trying to express sadness and disappointment. In some situations, this can also be used to express extreme laughter, but is less common than the top two most popular emojis.

😍 Smiling face with heart-eyes

The smiling face with heart-eyes emoji is the sixth most popular emoji in the world. It has been used in 77 out of every 10,000 tweets so far in 2023. This emoji is used to express love and admiration and is often used to indicate that someone finds something or someone attractive. This is a great response emoji for tweets or other social media posts.