Man Sues Background Check Site After Wife Uses Site To Catch Him Cheating

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Frank from Dallas Texas filed a lawsuit against background check site this month in court. In the lawsuit, he alleges provided his wife with “confidential” information about him. His wife divorced him based off this information and he wants to pay.

Nowhere in the lawsuit does it dispute if the information is accurate or not. Nor that he was having an affair on with multiple women.

The case can be found on the Clark County website case number 16A003140, Clark County Courts

Conservative Daily Post spoke to Frank’s ex-wife Mary to figure out more about this strange situation. Mary had suspected her husband of cheating for a long time. He would constantly be gone for hours without answering his phone and never seemed to have an honest answer why he was gone.

“We had been married 13 years and had our ups and downs but this seemed different”, Mary said. “He never did stuff like this before. Leaving at all hours and never telling me where he is going.”

Mary had finally had enough and decided to start doing some research online. She found, a background check site that can give you all sorts of information about someone. To use all you need to do is type in a name and state and the system goes to work. Pulling together every possible piece of information on them. not only pulls from public records but many different social and dating websites around the internet. It can give you a full picture of someone’s online activity almost instantly. This is how Mary caught her husband Frank.

More and more Americans are using online background check services like – They use the service to scope out friends, family, teachers, co-workers or anyone they feel like. Searching is easy all you have to do is type in a name and the state they live in. Instantly you can get access to a huge amount of data from criminal records, property records. In Mary’s case she also found out about quite a bit of online activity from her husband as well. Is there anyone you would look up on

“When I searched his name it came right up, he had accounts matching his name and email on, and many others,” Mary said. “I just couldn’t believe this was the man that I married.” even provided Mary a screenshot of his profile where it states he is “never married” for relationship status.

Frank is now stating that “ ruined my life by revealing private information about me.” He is currently seeking unspecified damages. After confronting Frank about the situation, he did admit the affair. He stated he had slept with at least 4 different women within the last 12 months. Mary promptly filed for divorce.

What do you think? Should Frank be entitled to money from


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