Can Narcissism Be Cured?

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Everyone knows at least one narcissistic person. It may be sometimes hard to live with people that have such a temperamental manner. Most of the times these people see themselves as the most important humans on this planet. Narcissism is connected with egoistic behaviors and selfishness. Of course, it doesn’t mean that such person is evil or has something bad on his or her mind, but it the truth is that it is very hard to change it. Most of the people don’t even see their true behaviors.

Earlier, scientists thought how it is literally impossible to change a person that is a narcissist. Nowadays, we have new answers that tell us how it is not impossible, but also it is not easy.

People tend to globalize narcissists like they all just care about their looks, fame, and money. In the reality, it is not like that. There are many quiet persons that are actually trapped into narcissism. In that case, we may miss their true nature. But, not anymore.

These all people have something in common. That would definitely be that they are stuck in some of their stereotypes all their life. They literally cannot or do not want to change the image they have about the world, and most important about themselves.

So, how can this be cured? First of all, there are many ranges of narcissism. People may have low, medium or high levels of it. All those narcissists that are well aware of their problem and who want to work hard to change it, they are capable to do it. How to go through such a process as smoothly as possible?

The best advice would be to start with the reason why that person wants to change their way of thinking and behaving. If you are a narcissistic person, think how it affects your life. Maybe you can lose your loved ones because they cannot take it anymore. If your beloved one has this ‘problem’, you can try to talk with him or her about the consequences it leaves on your relationship.

So, the first step would be wanting to change it and find a proper reason that would motivate that person. The second step that should be taken is to search for a great and reliable therapist who would help to go through such a change. The therapist and the narcissist need to have a lot of patience and to go with small changes.

I hope this helped you, and please remember-by saying narcissist, we didn’t mean anything bad.

9 thoughts on “Can Narcissism Be Cured?

  • August 13, 2018 at 5:33 am

    I think that sometimes these people just need to find that inner kindness that will stop them from acting like this.

  • July 31, 2018 at 3:04 pm

    I want this specific guy in my class to read this. Perhaps then he can change and leave us all alone.

  • July 15, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    Sometimes they think life is their own movie without considering those around them. It’s extremely annoying.

  • June 25, 2018 at 1:39 pm

    My boyfriend is like this and I cannot stand it! I hope he changes his way or else I’m out.

  • June 13, 2018 at 7:58 pm

    I don’t believe that my ex-husband will ever see the error of his ways. From what I understand he is still doing the same things to his current wife, that he did to me, and his first wife….YIKES…. I’m so glad that I’m out of there….10 years of MY LIFE…

  • June 11, 2018 at 2:06 pm

    A friend of mine immediately popped into my head. He can be so annoying when I try to introduce him to new friends. I hope one day he stops acting like that.

  • March 23, 2018 at 3:33 pm

    Ha! I can assure you that nothing is stopping me!

  • May 7, 2018 at 3:04 pm

    I’ve been diagnosed with narcissm…it’s more common than you think, and you can work on yourself so you don’t hurt your friends and family.

  • April 6, 2018 at 10:29 am

    NO! My EX was a narcisist (well i guess prob still is but i’m never talking to him again lol) and everything had to be about him. SOOOOO charming at first then BAM it was like Dr Jeckyl/Mr Hyde. Not fun, so glad I got the HELL outta that relationship!


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