How To Set Up The Best Financial Habits

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Found yourself in debt? Too tired of having the same problems with money over and over again? Maybe you should consider reassessing yours believes when it comes to spending and saving. Don’t worry, we will help you! Check out our list and get your finances in order easily and quickly! You will be proud of yourself in less than a year! Remember that every step matters!

1. Creating your own budget. Be sure that you really know how much you can spend and how much you should save. Creating a budget may sound hard, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Be sure that you know how much your monthly payments are and never cross those lines. Besides that, create a plan. Let’s say that you need something or want to buy something for yourself. Create a priority list and follow it.

2. An emergency fund and your credit cards. You need to have an emergency fund always. It doesn’t matter if you start with $20 only. Remember all those times when you needed those $20 more but you didn’t have it. So, yes, you definitely need an emergency fund. What about your credit cards? Be sure which ones you really use and about those you rarely use. Never get into the minus. Be sure that you pay with cash always, because most of the times you don’t know how much you spend on your credit card. People think that they don’t spend much if they don’t see money in their hands.

3. Automating your payments. This is a great advice that everyone should follow. Besides saving you money and keeping your finances in order, it will also save you much time and energy. Automate your payments. Let’s say that you get your salary in the first week of the month. Let the cost of the bills be automatically paid from your salary. Then, you will know how much money you have for the rest of the month. It is all about the organization.

4. Think about your future. It is easy to live day by day, not thinking about your future and being old. But, we need to be honest with this one, it comes faster than you think. Save for your retirement on time!

5. Rethink your career and other sources of income. About the first one, you need to rethink your career from time to time. Is there a better job offer somewhere? Do you want to get the better salary? What about your hobbies? Can they bring you some aside money? Maybe you are great with teaching children to play musical instruments?

6. Be grateful and stay on the track. Be proud of yourself each day. This isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time. But, cherish every action that leads you to your financial freedom.

For more tips on setting great financial habits, visit The Penny Hoarder.

Always believe in yourself because you can do it!


7 thoughts on “How To Set Up The Best Financial Habits

  • August 13, 2018 at 5:29 am

    This is an incredible help! I just hope it can work.

  • July 15, 2018 at 2:19 pm

    This all worked really well with me and my boyfriend, now we have some money to head to Hawaii this summer.

  • June 25, 2018 at 12:14 pm

    I tried this and it worked for a bit, but I found myself without money yet again. I’m stuck in quite a hole.

  • April 1, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    Too inconsistent! Doesn’t assure me of anything. I’ll continue to find ways to manage.

  • March 27, 2018 at 2:02 pm

    No matter what I do, I’m just going to find new debt. Let’s hope some of these work.

  • March 29, 2018 at 1:41 pm


  • April 24, 2018 at 11:01 am

    Just started doing some of these, thanks! I’m hoping to raise my credit score to buy a house next year.


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