What Should You Do After Having Sex?
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Have you ever thought about the ideal behaviors after having sex? It is in the human nature to enjoy sex. It makes you feel happy, it makes your skin glow, and your whole body is healthier if you practice regular sex (of course, we mean to practice it with someone you love or at least to use a protection if you have met someone new). Okay, here, we will talk about the best advice you should do after having sex you haven’t heard of before!
1.Your beloved bathroom. Hitting the bathroom may be the best thing to do after having sex. You can shower or take a bath together, but at least use the bathroom to prevent a urinary tract infection.
2.The underwear. We all like sexy lingerie and we, of course, want to impress our partner. But, after having sex, it is highly recommended to put on some breathable underwear. Cotton is the most recommended material you should wear. You don’t want any irritations, right?
3.Cuddling. Everyone loves to cuddle. It is very important to cuddle after having sex. Your emotions will just burst.
4.Water. Hydrate your body. Sex is known to be a great exercise. So, drink a few glasses of water and your body will thank you.
5.Eat something. Have a snack. People often feel hungry after having sex, and that is completely normal. Making a snack together can bring you closer together.
6.Small talk. Do you talk about sex after having one? If you don’t, you should reassess your actions. It is very recommended to talk about sex. Of course, we are talking about complimenting your partner. Find something that was great and talk about it. Your partner will remember your words.
7.Laugh together. Sex brings your serotonin levels up. How about laughing? It does the same thing. So, laugh with your partner. Enjoy your time as much as you can.
Many people don’t know how to behave after sex is over, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Now, with our advice, you know what to do. Enjoy the time you spend with your partner!
Having sex is good for you as eating healthy and doing exercise. Just be wary and do all the necessary to make sure it is all fully good.
If we really wan to enjoy sex without all the consequences, this is the ideal to prove that it’s also a great source of pleasure of and even relaxation instead of something we should repress and only use for when we want to conceive.
When I fantasize about sex, the aftercare is one the good components to think about. It’s just as romantic and more partners should be willing and happy to do them.
Basics that most sadly don’t know. I think they should talk about this more often.
IAM gonna show #3 to my HUSBAND he NEVER wants to cuddle!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of people say to drink cranberry juice but what they DONT know is most cranberry juice is all SUGAR! You have to buy pure cranberry juice and thats hard to find.
Chronic UTIs are the worst. This is pretty good advice. Especially the cuddling part. 🙂