What Do I Want for Christmas?
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The holidays are busy times. You might be juggling a bunch of holiday parties and family gatherings, not to mention gift purchases and Secret Santas. You might even find yourself so flustered with holiday tasks and events that you forget to ask yourself: What do I want for Christmas? Here’s how to figure out what’s at the very top of your Christmas gift wishlist.
The easy way: Look at a guide
During the holiday season, some of your favorite department stores and brands might publish gift guides that can help you determine what you want for Christmas. You can find these in printed materials that resemble coupon booklets, on in-store flyers, or via brand websites. If you’re not a huge brand loyalist or don’t have any particular favorite shopping destinations, consider looking at a more general internet Christmas gift guide.
The slightly easier way: Have your friends help you decide
If you’ve been talking about ways that you want your life to change or improve, your friends have probably noticed some running threads in your conversations with them. Ask them if they can think of goals you’ve been repeating this year, and then brainstorm items with them that can help you achieve these desires. You could also just ask your friends if there are actual, tangible items you’ve talked about a lot this year and can’t quite remember – if you’ve said in passing a few times that a robot vacuum would make your life way easier, maybe your friends have noticed even if you’ve forgotten.
The moderately challenging way: Think of gifts for your friends
If you can’t think of a gift that would make you happy, try thinking of presents that would delight your friends. Would a new, quirky mug make your best friend’s day? Maybe that would work for you, too – after all, you and your closest friends likely have plenty in common. Similarly, if you realize the perfect gift for your friend absolutely wouldn’t work for you, then you’ll know what gifts you don’t want for Christmas – and process of elimination is important!
The more challenging way: Walk around your house
Chances are that whatever gift you get will eventually wind up in your home. Take a stroll around where you live and see what’s missing. Craving a floating shelf for that blank stretch of wall in your living room? Even if a small piece of decorative furniture doesn’t feel like a huge Christmas gift, it’s still a useful, eye-popping item that will remind you of holiday warmth every time you see it.
The risky way: Have your friends and family surprise you
If you don’t know what you want, maybe your friends and family will. You can simply tell them that, for Christmas, you want whatever they think you’ll like. This approach is open-ended enough that you could either wind up disappointed or floored with what you get, but it certainly leads to unpredictable presents. And if they get it right, you’ll have a better idea of what kind of gifts make you happy for next year’s holidays!
How do you go about deciding what you want for Christmas? Share your methods in the comments!