5 Fall 2022 Dating Advice Tips
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As summer 2022 transitions into fall, dating is a major topic on many people’s minds. It’s always nice to have someone to spend time with through the fall and winter holidays, but some people might be a little rusty from the years mostly spent at home due to COVID-19. Read on below for five of the best fall 2022 dating tips to get you back on top of your game.
Look for similarities but don’t be afraid to disagree
Finding similarities between your values and personalities is a great way to establish a connection with someone, but there’s a right and a wrong way to do it. Look for things that you genuinely agree with people on instead of just trying to make it sound like you agree. When you disagree with something, don’t be afraid to say it. This will help others view you as genuine and honest.
Be present
One of the most important aspects of dating in the modern era is being able to stay present and socially engaged when you’re around potential dating prospects. Many people spend more time looking at their phones than the people around them, so by taking extra care to pay attention to those around you, you can significantly improve your dating prospects.
Staying present is even more important when you’re actually on a date, as staring at your phone for the whole date is an easy way to not get a second one. When you go out, turn your phone on silent or even airplane mode so it’s easier for you to stay engaged in conversation and make a good impression.
Communicate honestly
While being mysterious might bring you some short-term dating success, if you want a chance at creating a healthy long-term relationship, it’s best to be upfront and honest at all times. People value those who seem like they have nothing to hide and who aren’t afraid to share their opinions.
Think about it this way: Everyone knows that no relationship is perfect. If you’re open about your faults and your needs, your partner or potential partner will at least be aware of any issues, so they don’t have to worry in the back of their head about what problems there could be.
Look out for yourself
When in a committed relationship, it’s important to consider your partner’s needs and even value them above your own at times. With that being said, things work a little bit differently when you’re just beginning to date.
While you’re just meeting people or even early on in a relationship, your plans and needs should take first priority. A pattern of bending over backward for everything anyone wants can easily lead to an abusive or unfulfilling relationship.
Don’t be afraid to talk about the future
Conversations about your long-term goals and plans can seem intimidating at first because you won’t want potential partners to think you’re rushing into things. If you approach this the right way, however, these conversations can be a valuable tool to help you find a partner whose values are aligned with yours.
Don’t rush into conversations about marriage or children, but don’t be afraid to bring it up after you’ve grown comfortable with someone. You can open the door to these types of talks by discussing career goals, bucket list items, and other long-term plans that aren’t quite as personal.