Today, Celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day These Five Ways

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Today is Administrative Professionals’ Day, which is celebrated every year on the final Wednesday of April. On this day, workers express their appreciation for the many secretaries, receptionists, administrative assistants, and other employees who keep companies running from day to day. The workers celebrated on this day often don’t feel they receive enough regular appreciation, but any of the below five ideas for celebrating Administrative Professionals’ Day might make up for that perceived gap in attention.

Buy lunch for administrative professionals

Workers of all stripes often bring lunch from home to save money and eat their meals exactly as they like them. Everybody, though, likes going out for lunch occasionally, so what better way to show appreciation to administrative professionals than paying for their lunch from a favorite nearby restaurant? Coworkers can pool together a fund for all the administrative professionals’ lunches and take the team to a nearby spot for a fun, delicious midday break. Some restaurants even go a step further and explicitly offer free meals to administrative professionals.

Give administrative professionals gift cards

Ignore the people who say that gift cards are a weak choice of a present — plenty of people would say exactly the opposite. There are truly few ways to better show appreciation to administrative professionals than by giving them a bit of extra money to buy that one thing (or two things, for the truly generous) they’ve wanted for a while. Whether gift cards to department stores or clothing stores, these small plastic rectangles can be shockingly meaningful.

Gather the workforce for an administrative professional toast

Sometimes, showing appreciation is as simple as literally, actively showing it. On Administrative Professionals’ Day, gather as many workers as possible in a conference or break room, and get most, if not all, of them to speak for 30 seconds to a minute each about the value the administrative professionals bring to the team. There’s no better way to receive appreciation than hearing it straight from the mouths of the people who should be showing it most frequently but sometimes forget to (or just wind up being too busy).

Let administrative professionals leave an hour early

Although conflating worker appreciation with time off can be risky, letting administrative professionals leave just an hour early — a very small amount of time against an eight-hour workday, especially considering that many administrative professionals wind up working overtime — is a kind gesture that won’t go forgotten. Any worker with a full-time job will appreciate how much an extra hour of leisure time each week will do for them.

Write thank-you notes

Supervisors to administrative professionals can take an especially personalized approach to appreciation using individualized, personalized thank you notes. A three-to-five-sentence email delivered straight to an administrative professional thanking them for their work and reminding them of their value to the team, citing specific examples and successes, can really make a worker’s day. Bonus points if the note is handwritten!

If you’re a supervisor, how do you plan to celebrate your administrative professionals today? If you’re an administrative professional, how would you like to be celebrated today? Get the conversation started in the comments!

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