Will losing some pounds bring you joy?

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If you are struggling with some extra pounds and thinking how losing them would make your life happier, then you should definitely continue reading this article. We will talk about all those people who have lost a lot of pounds thinking how their life would be finally perfect. As you can guess by yourself, they were wrong. Want to find out why?

1.Counting, counting… Many people who have finally lost their extra weight found themselves counting literally all day. What were they counting? All those calories, of course. Being afraid of food and not enjoying it at all is not something that will bring you joy, trust me.

2.It never ends. If you lose those 20 extra pounds, you won’t feel happy. How is that possible? You will want to lose more. It is a neverending battle. You will start to think how skinny can you be, and finally, you may end up with some eating disorder (like many people did).

3.Social meetings. You will start escaping all those social meetings because guess why– there will be some food! And you don’t want to eat any junk food, right? You want to lose more weight. So, imagine yourself sitting alone at home at the Saturday evening and counting some calorie intake for the next day. Sounds interesting? I don’t think so.

4.It is not about your weight. People think that they aren’t happy because of their weight. If you lose all those extra pounds you have and don’t find any joy in it, then you have some mental problem or emotional problem. Maybe you just want to compare yourself to someone and to better of that person you are comparing to?

5.Comparing. While I was already started to talk about that never endless comparing, this is the fact you need to know. You will compare yourself to literally everyone. You may go so extreme to start comparing yourself to some fitness or bodybuilding models. That is not happiness, trust me, it is a nightmare.

6.You will be hungry. Can you imagine to be hungry all the time? No, you won’t be physically hungry, but mentally. All you will think about would be food. You will start dreaming about your favorite chocolate cake. Does that sound great to you? It sounds awful to me too.=

7.Workout. Even if you lose all those pounds you want, you may end up looking like you didn’t expect. Yes, that is your genetics. If you have imagined getting some perfect body by losing weight and not working out, you will end up disappointed.

7 thoughts on “Will losing some pounds bring you joy?

  • July 26, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    Trust more yourself than whatever advices out there. Just make sure that you’re doing the right thing in the process.

  • July 13, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    You know, I lost a lot of pounds wanting to look better…in the end I lost too much and now only do I look very skinny and weak, my health has gotten worst. Really…don’t let it go too far.

  • May 9, 2018 at 11:31 am

    Reading this gave me a bit of confidence. I have been struggling with these thoughts for a while and continue to find help how I can.

    • February 18, 2019 at 1:58 pm

      I second that emotion. Scales are only a tool. Not God.

  • April 30, 2018 at 6:30 pm

    Focus on your own happiness before anything. There’s nothing wrong with trying to loose some weight, but when it gets excessive to the point that you don’t even want to eat, then it can be a real problem.

  • May 1, 2018 at 2:09 am

    Losing weight won’t make you happy, you have to be happy on your own. Then maybe you will drop some pounds.

  • April 28, 2018 at 11:45 pm

    i just need someone to come and slap the donut from my hands and ill do fine lol


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