Here’s How to Tell the Difference between Flu and a Cold
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The presence of H3N2 in this season’s flu is highly characterized with more intense symptoms, more visits to the hospital and ultimately more deaths.
What then is the difference between a cold and the flu?
According to experts, there are some red flags to take note of in order to differentiate between the cold and the flu. Furthermore, recommendations were put forward on best ways to regain your health if you have them.
The flu is quite different from your average cold. While they may have some conflicting similarities, they are quite different. While they both share symptoms like sore throat, headache, cough, sneezing, and fever; however, symptoms of the flu are more intense than the cold. This is usually the distinguishing factor of the flu. For example, you may experience aches all over your body and muscles when you have a cold. However, the aches become more severe when you have the flu.
Cold has a progressive growth; it starts to build up gradually before it manifests itself and weakens the body. It may start with a mild cough and take a while before it graduates into a fever. One minute, you may be healthy and the next, you feel terribly sick if you’ve got the flu. In the words of Ian Tong, “one can go from well to sick within a few hours if you have the flu!”
At the end of the day, the most distinguishing factor for the flu is extreme fatigue. You feel drained of all energy and you may feel this way for a long time, unlike the cold, that if present, is usually mild and manageable.
When you have the flu, you need to take proper care of yourself. The following tips can help you;
Act fast and see a doctor immediately you notice symptoms. Do not wait until you cannot function again before seeing a doctor, but act immediately you detect symptoms. Your best bet is within 48 hours of the first symptom. The timely prescriptions by the doctor can go a long way to reduce the intensity and length of the flu.
Remember that your body needs to rest. Proper rest does wonders for the body like no medication can. It gives the body room to effectively fight off infection.
Always stay hydrated by drinking warm water because you are losing fluids due to the sweats that come with fever. Watch what you eat and eat right! Healthy soups can also strengthen the body by supplying it with the much-needed nutrients.
Finally, if the symptoms persist and become unbearable, it may be because you are down with something else as a result of the flu. Please seek professional help because flu opens you up to other diseases.