Tasty Ways to Eat Healthier: Five Quick Recipes for Busy People
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In today’s world, most working people are dealing with a societal health crisis on a time crunch. Your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all crucial pieces to making sure your immune system can protect you from illness. These are eight quick recipes for healthy people on the move.
Water helps the organs activate, so be sure to try and begin your day with proper hydration. These quick recipes only need fruit, water, and a juicer or blender.
Find the potency level you enjoy most by changing the amount of water you add to your juice. Try adding a personal touch by adding your favorite herbs for extra vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If you don’t have a juicer that separates the pulp from the juice, you can try these recipes with a blender as long as you don’t mind drinking around froth or pulp.
Apple orange ginger juice
- Three cored apples
- Two peeled oranges
- A thumb’s length of ginger root
The peel of the apple and the ginger root hold valuable nutrients. Try adding honey for a little extra sweetness or extra ginger for an exciting boost. Peel (or don’t peel, your choice) your group of fruits, throw them in the juicer and add water.
Date lime-lemonade
- Two peeled lemons
- One peeled lime
- A handful of whole dates
The acidity of citrus aids the immune system and the digestive process and is complemented naturally by dates. Add dates to make your drink sweeter and try washing, then freezing them for a cold treat in the morning.
Avoiding fried foods is difficult in the world of easy, quick meal delivery. Salads are a fast, non-fried way to fulfill nutrient needs and satisfy hunger. Be sure your ingredients and utensils are clean before you start preparing. Try using a food processor to cut down on preparation time.
Chickpea salad
- Dried whole chickpeas
- One whole red onion
- One stalk of celery
- One tomato
- Fresh garlic cloves
Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are full of fiber with a unique, distinct taste and texture. Boil your chickpeas while you dice your vegetables. Let them cool, toss them with your veggies, add dressings or seasonings, and enjoy. Customize to your liking by adding your ingredients in different ratios.
Kale salad
- Fresh kale
- One white onion
- One tomato
Kale offers a satisfying crunch for those trying to eat less meat. Chop your big, fresh kale leaves into manageable bite-sized pieces. Dice your onion and tomato, add everything together with your dressing of choice, and enjoy.
Hot soup helps relax and clean the digestive system. Get over your sniffles and strengthen your immune system’s resilience with this easy-to-digest soup recipe.
Kimchi broth ramen
- Kimchi
- Ramen noodles
- Two tomatoes
- Vegetable broth
Kimchi and other fermented foods have incredible health benefits, and boiling them will bring their healing qualities out into the broth. Thinly slice your tomatoes while bringing your pot of broth to a boil. Once the water is hot, add your kimchi, veggies, and herbs. Make it perfect for you by adding the ingredients you want to cook softest first. Let the dish cool before eating. Try adding meat or egg to this recipe for extra protein. Save some in a thermos for later if you’re really on the run.
What are your favorite on-the-go recipes? Share below in the comments!