7 Ways NutriSense Helped Me Get My Health Right

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As I approached my 40s, I started feeling sluggish and exhausted around the clock. I tried explaining this all to my doctors, but none of their suggestions moved the needle enough to make a difference. I decided something more holistic was the right move for me, but what exactly was that “something?” The best place to start was with the best source of information on my body – me – and the information that keeps me feeling energized and healthy every day. Thankfully, I found that solution with NutriSense. Here’s how it got me back on track.

1. NutriSense tracks the right data

I used continuous glucose monitors (CGM) from NutriSense, since glucose levels are a huge indicator of how certain activities affect our bodies. For example, when I started feeling especially exhausted, chances are my glucose levels were fluctuating. NutriSense recorded that data and paired it with the activities behind it, so I could truly see what was happening in my body.

2. NutriSense doesn’t let you do it alone

NutriSense knows that most people aren’t glucose or data experts. That’s why NutriSense paired me with a dietitian to make sense of my numbers. In fact, NutriSense was the only brand that included dietitian assistance! And, of course, my dietitian knew exactly the changes to suggest for a better me.

3. NutriSense focuses on food and exercise

Where my doctors would suggest ineffective medications, my NutriSense dietitian instead focused on food and exercise. She identified meal choices and workout routines that could positively impact my glucose levels. She then encouraged me to eat those foods and do those exercises. And that’s not all.

4. NutriSense focuses on sleep and stress

My NutriSense dietitian also used my glucose data to identify where gaps in my sleep and spikes in my stress were contributing to my exhaustion. Together, she and I discussed significant yet realistic changes I could make to sleep better. Paired with her food and exercise advice, I quickly made some seriously impactful changes. It didn’t take long to feel the difference each night.

5. NutriSense keeps you on track

My former unhealthy lifestyle was easy, and it wasn’t like NutriSense was suggesting I roll a boulder up a mountain, but I definitely needed some encouragement and accountability. NutriSense gave me both. My dietitian would congratulate me for key achievements and notify me if I was off-target. The more I readjusted, the easier it was to change for the better forever.

6. NutriSense suggests changes that last

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Can anyone really stick to a diet or exercise routine forever? With NutriSense, the answer is yes! My dietitian recommended only changes I could incorporate into my daily routine so easily they felt like I’d always been doing them. And trust me: Sleeping this soundly – and losing 15 pounds to boot – has been so worth it.

7. NutriSense makes it easy to get started

The lifestyle changes needed to free me of exhaustion and sluggishness initially seemed imposing. That’s why NutriSense made it so easy to get started. I just completed a couple of short online questionnaires, waited for my CGM delivery, and set everything up in minutes. From there, my data was tracked around the clock and my dietitian instantly began working with me. It was truly that easy – just sign up now to see for yourself! Your body will thank you.

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