Credit Saint Doesn’t Care What Your Credit Score Is, They Just Want To Make It Better. Here’s How

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Last year, when my wife and I were looking to buy a house in the suburbs, we encountered a big obstacle. My credit score was still reeling from a period of unemployment and high credit card bills from about four years ago. We struggled to get pre-approved for a mortgage. We were worried we’d have to wait years to buy a house, but after we worked with Credit Saint, we were in a better buying position within months.

We considered several other credit repair companies before choosing Credit Saint. In our research, we discovered that Credit Saint went the extra mile in customer service and strategic credit report targeting. Here are the 7 reasons we decided that Credit Saint was the right decision for our family — and will be for yours, too.

1. Credit Saint has incredibly high ratings

Credit Saint’s credentials are truly unparalleled. Credit Saint has an A+ BBB rating, and it’s ranked #1 by The Credit Review for 2017-2019. It’s also top-ranked for the same period by Consumers Advocate user reviews, and Consumer Affairs has placed it among its top contenders, too. Plus, the Better Credit Blog lists it as the #1 credit repair agency.

2. Credit Saint offers personalized account management

With Credit Saint, I spoke with knowledgeable agents who personally catered to my case’s unique challenges and told me exactly how they planned to go about repairing my credit score. My team of specialists regularly contacted me to update me and explain my case’s progress. And if I ever had more questions, I could call my team whenever I wanted.

3. I could check my progress through their online dashboard

If I ever didn’t have time to get on the phone with my team, I turned to the user-friendly online dashboard instead. There, I could see the most recent updates on my case, with in-depth analysis and detailed progress reports. I knew exactly where I stood at all times.

4. Credit Saint offers a 90-day money-back guarantee

A huge reason I opted for Credit Saint was that I had recourse if I did not see deletions. After 90 days, if nothing was removed from my credit history, I could cancel my contract with them and receive a full refund. Of course, I didn’t need to use the money-back guarantee, but it was reassuring to have that option available.

5. Credit Saint actually taught me about credit

Many credit repair agencies just take on clients and send letters to creditors without explaining how credit really works and what clients can do to influence their scores. Credit Saint took time to thoroughly explain my credit score. I learned that credit damage is only a part of my score and that I’d need to steadily generate positive credit activity to supplement Credit Saint’s work – and Credit Saint told me exactly how to go about doing so.

6. You can take advantage of a free consultation

In considering other credit repair agencies, I noticed that many of them required me to pay to even receive a consultation. Credit Saint, on the other hand, charged me no money for my initial credit evaluation. My agent detailed the advantages I’d receive through Credit Saint as compared to other agencies and outlined how my case might be handled. Though Credit Saint can’t promise results or guarantee score increases, that consultation demonstrated just how confident they were in their abilities to help me. 

7. Credit Saint has top-notch customer service

I wasn’t going to pay for a credit repair service whose agents I couldn’t reach whenever I needed. Credit Saint’s team proved accessible whenever I had questions or needed updates, and that availability made my journey toward repairing my credit way less stressful.

Without Credit Saint, my wife and I likely wouldn’t live in our three-bedroom dream house. We’re grateful to Credit Saint for being so transparent, accessible, and just plain good at what they do. You can reach out to them for your free consultation too – and if you like what you hear, then you can take advantage of Credit Saint’s 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for new customers. Maybe you’ll wind up buying that house for sale down the block from us!

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